Periodic Subsidy
Definition: Periodic Subsidy refers to the financial allocation disbursed to selected cultural public benefit associations. Its purpose is to contribute towards covering a portion of their operational expenses to facilitate them to achieve their objectives.
Disbursement Frequency: The subsidy is disbursed once annually to each eligible beneficiary.
Objective: To ensure the sustained operations of eligible associations in the cultural landscape, with the minimum expected level of activities and events.
Subsidy Characteristics:
- The value of the periodic subsidy ranges from AED 20,000 to AED 100,000.
- Only theatres and popular arts associations are eligible to apply for this type of support.
- Allocation is determined based on the principles of competitiveness and merit.
Eligibility Criteria for Periodic Subsidy
1. Compatibility with cultural industries: The association's activity is compatible with the cultural activities supervised by the Ministry of Culture
- The association’s plan and objectives
- Planned cultural programmes and activities
- The association’s social role in spreading cultural and heritage awareness
- Minutes of the General Assembly Meetings
- Governance of administrative work
- The most important statistical reports, studies, and data related to the association
- Executing events and activities
- The volume and periodicity of activities
- Nurturing Emirati talent
- Supporting the role of youth and benefiting from the experiences of the seniors
- Enhancing the role of women
- Promoting volunteer work
- Financial Capacity
- Revenue generation from activities
- Ability to attract external support and funding
Programme and Projects Subsidy
Definition: This financial subsidy is disbursed once a year to cultural public benefit associations, either individually or collectively, for a specific cultural programme or project presented to secure financial support from the Ministry.
Disbursement Frequency: The subsidy is disbursed once annually to each eligible beneficiary, with the right to apply for only one project subsidy once a year.
Objective: To motivate and encourage deserving cultural public benefit associations to execute more effective and impactful programmes benefiting their respective segments.
Subsidy Characteristics:
- The maximum subsidy for programs and projects is AED 200,000.
- All cultural associations classified by the Ministry of Culture are eligible to apply for this support.
- Allocation is determined based on the principles of competitiveness and merit.
Eligibility Criteria for Programmes and Projects Subsidy
- Compatibility with cultural industries: The association's activity is compatible with the cultural activities supervised by the Ministry of Culture
- The administrative model: This refers to the degree of compliance and commitment of the association's board of directors to administrative requirements in alignment with the laws and regulations set forth by the Ministry of Community Development
- The cultural added value of the programme/project: This pertains to the programme or project's impact on the cultural landscape, including the number of beneficiaries, participants' talent level, and the cultural added value of the programme or project.
- The social added value of the programme: This refers to the programme or project's impact on youth agenda, women’s role, volunteering and community benefits.
- Programme/project management competence: The proficiency of operational and financial planning, project governance capacity and project implementation expertise
- The financial model of the program: The degree to which the programme or project requires a financial subsidy from the Ministry, as well as the success of obtaining some outside funding to partially support the programme
Submit application
To submit an application for:
- Periodic Subsidy: press here
- Programmes and Projects Subsidy: press here