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Digital Participation

Digital Participation Policy

Ministry of Culture welcomes and pays due attention to all your comments, opinions and queries, and we are keen to listen to your views and suggestions. We are committed to finding an appropriate mechanism for dialogue and interaction with stakeholders, the public, and website visitors. the Ministry reserves the right to follow up on certain opinions and responds at certain times, and not necessarily to all enquiries sent to it. The Ministry has the right to delete or modify any posts contrary to the provisions of the media policy for social networking sites.   Ministry of Culture is keen to fully comply with the Guidelines for digital participation   Use in UAE Government Entities.  Supervision Policy  Ministry of Culture welcomes your constructive comments and views. Your contribution will be appreciated and taken into account as one of the important references in the discussion of improvements and enhancements for our services. Despite that Ministry of Culture welcomes any free comments and input on this platform, it has the full right to hide any content that: 
  1. Represents a threat to security. 
  2. Includes inappropriate language. 
  3. Violates the privacy of others or offensive. 
  4. Violates local laws. 
  5. Indecent, obscene or defamatory. 
  6. Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade. 
  7. May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of the society on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion or status ... etc. 
  8. Includes collective or political discussions. 
  9. Contains a breach of intellectual property rights. 
Important note: Ministry of Culture is not responsible for any opinions that are contrary to norms and laws and has the right to remove posts that contain inflammatory or discriminatory language or that violate the laws of the United Arab Emirates. 

Social Media Policy

In managing Ministry of Culture social media accounts, the digital-content management team undertakes to: 
  1. Observe the principles of respect and transparency in dealing with the public. 
  2. Timely respond to all inquiries from the public and communicate their needs to the relevant departments. 
  3. Take public suggestions into consideration and present these suggestions to the relevant department. 
  4. Respond to feedback and remarks posted on social media accounts. 
  5. Be courteous when reacting to feedback and responding to inquiries from website visitors and comply with Ministry’s code of professional conduct and with the Guidelines for Social Media Use in UAE Government Entities. 
Important note: Ministry of Culture is not responsible for any opinions that are contrary to norms and laws and has the right to remove posts that contain inflammatory or discriminatory language or that violate the laws of the United Arab Emirates. 


The Government of the UAE is interested in consulting the customers on various topics that concern them. In this section, government entities offer their consultations to collect as many opinions as possible. It will analyze and use them to make decision that interest the customers, thus, contributing to enhancing their satisfaction and happiness. Be a partner in decision-making on government services and policies in the UAE.

Previous Consultations

Share your feedback to help improve the activities and services of the Ministry of Culture and reduce bureaucracy
Evaluate smart application (app) of the Ministry of Culture and Youth
Evaluate MCY Website
Ministry of Culture and Knowledge Development New Website Assessment Survey
Promoting Reading Among Community Members


Are you satisfied with the Ministry's website?

Tawasul 171

Proceeding from the pursuance of excellence, the UAE Government has simplified procedures and developed levels of governmental performance and services provided in order to achieve user-satisfaction. In line with the Government´s objective to open communication channels with users in an effort to identify their needs and promote their suggestions, the Tawasul 171 platform has been set-up in accordance with local and global best practices. This gateway will serve as an effective means to achieve the strategic objectives of the Federal Government through the receipt of remarks and suggestions from users, and by processing them to improve the Federal Government´s services. To access the Tawasul 171, please click here. The system covers:
  • Suggestions
  • Compliments
  • Inquiries
  • Complaints

Customer pulse survey