Digital Participation Policy
- Represents a threat to security.
- Includes inappropriate language.
- Violates the privacy of others or offensive.
- Violates local laws.
- Indecent, obscene or defamatory.
- Includes unwanted messages or promotes any trade.
- May be interpreted as prejudiced or harmful to any section of the society on the basis of race, color, nationality, religion or status ... etc.
- Includes collective or political discussions.
- Contains a breach of intellectual property rights.
- Ministry of Culture 'Create Theatre' initiative receives 21 applications from 13 local theatre groups.
- Importance of cultural coordination among Arab countries at 23rd session of the Conference of Arab Culture Ministers
- Al Talli, Al Heda'a and Date Palm to be included in UNESCO's Intangible Cultural Heritage list for 2022.
- launching first cycle of the UAE Youth Delegates Program for Climate
- Ministry of Culture delegation visits Riyadh International Book Fair 2021
The Government of the UAE is interested in consulting the customers on various topics that concern them. In this section, government entities offer their consultations to collect as many opinions as possible. It will analyze and use them to make decision that interest the customers, thus, contributing to enhancing their satisfaction and happiness. Be a partner in decision-making on government services and policies in the UAE.
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Tawasul 171
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Social Media Policy